The Master of Science in Perfusion Sciences is a degree program attesting to relevant didactic and clinical knowledge, and skills required for perfusion practice. A perfusionist is commonly involved in a variety of complex clinical procedures, including cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), ventricular assist device (VAD) placement, transplantation of heart and lungs, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), patient monitoring, blood conservation, and related modalities.
Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia
The USC Program of Nurse Anesthesia offers a concentrated academic and comprehensive clinical curriculum. Students will gain experience in the various required clinical specialty areas, including general, cardiothoracic, neurosurgical, genitourinary, gynecologic, head and neck, plastic, orthopaedic, trauma, obstetric, pediatric and ambulatory outpatient procedures as well as experience in regional anesthesia, pain management, trauma and emergency airway response.
Physician Assistant (PA)
The Primary Care Physician Assistant Program at the Keck School of Medicine of USC has a long and successful history of training and graduating outstanding clinicians who work in a variety of medical care settings with diverse patient populations.
Medical Doctor (MD)
School/Division: Keck School of Medicine Degree/Certificate: Medical Doctor The Keck School of Medicine’s Doctor of Medicine program offers a rich educational experience with an expansive …