The Master of Science in Perfusion Sciences is a degree program attesting to relevant didactic and clinical knowledge, and skills required for perfusion practice. A perfusionist is commonly involved in a variety of complex clinical procedures, including cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), ventricular assist device (VAD) placement, transplantation of heart and lungs, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), patient monitoring, blood conservation, and related modalities.
Doctor of Clinical Science
The Ph.D. program in Clinical Science at the University of Southern California is dedicated to the integration of science and application. Clinical science is viewed as an ideology, a perspective taking, that values critical thinking and evidence in informing one’s professional activities.
Master of Landscape Architecture + Urbanism
The Graduate Program of Landscape Architecture + Urbanism uses the complex regional geography of Southern California as its primary laboratory to generate and test responses to the planet’s most pressing environmental challenges, including resounding impacts of climate change, rapid urbanization, social and environmental injustice, and the interface of nature and technology.
Master of Architecture
The Master of Architecture program brings together renowned, progressive academic faculty and award-winning practitioners to set new international standards for postgraduate education, placing the School in a key pedagogical position to combine influences from all corners of the global architectural community.
Bachelor of Architecture
The USC undergraduate architecture program has been committed to the fundamental concerns of the built environment for over 100 years.
General Practice Residency
The General Practice Residency (GPR) Program provides residents with a broad range of dental experiences in oral surgery, emergency medicine, anesthesia, care for the disabled and medically-complex, and other disciplines.
The Advanced Endodontics program provides residents with the biomedical and behavioral knowledge, and the clinical experience necessary to practice Endodontics. Research and teacher training are also emphasized.
Advanced Standing Program for International Dentists
The Advanced Standing Program for International Dentists (ASPID) is designed for qualified dentists from non-U.S. countries, leading to the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree.
Doctor of Dental Surgery
The DDS Program’s innovative learner-centered curriculum integrates biomedical, behavioral and clinical sciences, training students to assess dental patients and deliver cutting-edge comprehensive care.
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
Offers multiple degree programs to individuals who want to enter the evolving field of physical therapy, including the three-year Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program, which is delivered in both hybrid and residential formats.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists provide interventions in varied settings, including schools, hospitals, homeless shelters, nursing facilities, community clinics, private practices, corporations, executive health centers and wellness resorts.
The Advanced Prosthodontics Program provides foundational knowledge and clinical and technical skills for the specialized practice of Prosthodontics, incorporating studies in physical diagnosis, anatomy, oral pathology, pharmacology and oral biology.
The Advanced Periodontology Program is designed to train clinicians with the competency and advanced skills to practice Periodontology at the highest level.
Pediatric Dentistry
The Advanced Pediatric Dentistry Program provides students with the background and clinical experience necessary for the practice of Pediatric Dentistry.
The Advanced Orthodontics Program prepares students for academic careers as clinical scholars through the integration of basic sciences with orthodontic education, as well as providing the clinical experience necessary to practice Orthodontics.
Orofacial Pain
The Advanced Orofacial Pain program trains residents to become expert clinicians in orofacial pain.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
The Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Program provides graduates with the necessary training, knowledge, tools and skills to prepare for certification by the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Master of Education in School Counseling
The USC Rossier SC online program is officially recognized as a credentialing program that prepares students to be recommended for the California Commission on Teaching Credentialing External link’s Pupil Personnel Services: School Counseling credential (PPS-SC).
School Leadership Academy
The School Leadership Academy prepares teachers, counselors, and other educational professionals to take on administrative and leadership positions at a school site level.
Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy
The Master of Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) program will prepare you to lead as a culturally competent therapist who can critique and transform systems in public mental health clinics, schools and private practice.
Master of Education in Educational Counseling
The Master of Education in Educational Counseling (EC) program is designed for individuals seeking career or advancement opportunities
Master of Arts in Teaching—Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Master of Arts in Teaching—Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MAT–TESOL) program will prepare you to teach English and other languages to a variety of learners in both domestic and international settings.
Master of Arts in Teaching – Multiple Subject
If you’re ready to change lives as a K-12 teacher, the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program is designed to prepare you—and your future students—for success.
Master of Arts in Teaching – Single Subject
If you’re ready to change lives as a K-12 teacher, the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program is designed to prepare you—and your future students—for success.
Master of Science degree in Nutrition, Healthspan and Longevity
The Master of Science degree in Nutrition, Healthspan and Longevity is a Coordinated Program (CP) in Nutrition and Dietetics.
Juris Doctor (JD)
Our Juris Doctor (JD) will empower you with a strong grasp of the foundations of law and enable you to make a seamless transition into practice, no matter what your career interests.
Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia
The USC Program of Nurse Anesthesia offers a concentrated academic and comprehensive clinical curriculum. Students will gain experience in the various required clinical specialty areas, including general, cardiothoracic, neurosurgical, genitourinary, gynecologic, head and neck, plastic, orthopaedic, trauma, obstetric, pediatric and ambulatory outpatient procedures as well as experience in regional anesthesia, pain management, trauma and emergency airway response.
Physician Assistant (PA)
The Primary Care Physician Assistant Program at the Keck School of Medicine of USC has a long and successful history of training and graduating outstanding clinicians who work in a variety of medical care settings with diverse patient populations.
Medical Doctor (MD)
School/Division: Keck School of Medicine Degree/Certificate: Medical Doctor The Keck School of Medicine’s Doctor of Medicine program offers a rich educational experience with an expansive …
Doctor of Pharmacy
The USC School of Pharmacy established the nation’s first Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program in 1950, and remains a pioneer in the innovative education and preparation of tomorrow’s practicing pharmacists.
Master of Science in Nursing
Designed for registered nurses who hold a bachelor’s degree and have at least one year of clinical experience, the program prepares family nurse practitioners to treat physical and behavioral health, address social and environmental factors, and lead positive social change.
Master of Social Work
The USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work ranks among the nation’s top social work graduate programs.